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Telecommunications Detail

With the spread of mobile phones and the internet, telecommunication has developed dramatically and it’s inevitable for community infrastructures.

The sales of mobile phones have been increasing lately because of the matured market and people don’t purchase new phones as frequently as before due to the new sales method. However, smart phones have enhanced the market.

Behind the smart phone’s breaking hit, there is big competition with foreign manufactures, and domestic manufactures are expected to reinforce networking, improve trust and products, and open up new markets in rising nations.

Progress Information technology including the Internet and mobile phones is dramatically rapid. Telecommunication companies are expected to always respond to changes in the market and to adopt new business strategies.

The competition in pricing among companies and enterprises is also getting bigger.

IT industry is always changing rapidly. Therefore, the skills to always absorb new information and predict change are required. This industry, which has no boundaries among business and involves unlimited ideas also requires people to be able to come up with new ideas, and see things comprehensively.

It also requires people to have wide ranged skills including leadership skills with open-minded perspective, spirits to challenge new things, and attitude to be willing to deal with other fields that you’re not even specialised in.

Preferable students for Telecommunications industry

Telecommunication industry has high speed about market change.
Therefore, they require you to have the skills
・ Absorbing new information daily
・ Foreseeing next change in market
・ Taking off common sense
・ Having comprehensive thinking
・ Creativeness for new idea and business
・ Challenging sprits
・ Specializing your field, but being open for others
・ Leadership to look over the project

Related occupation
IT Engineer
Network Engineer
General Officer
Accounting Officer